In the presence of an ever-growing Christian ministry, caring opportunities open up which call for schools, services and training for widows and young people as well as poor and needy children. At the same time in the wake of natural disasters where WCCM-supported ministries are situated, such as the earthquake in Nepal and flooding in India, we reached out by providing both material and monetary aid to help with relief and rebuilding efforts. We also provide vocational training and small business loans to help motivated families and young people learn new skills that could improve their earning capacities and quality of living.
MYANMAR - Antioch Orphanage Children's Home

Provides care, daily necessities and public education for orphans until 18 years of age.
Teaches them about the love of Jesus and the Bible
Lives together as a family, and learns to do daily chores
INDIA – Hills Academy (North East)

Provides education to students who come from over 33 villages in Khamlang Hills, India. Current enrollment is about 330 students
Includes the Bible and the building of a Christian character in its curriculum
Maintains a very high academic standard throughout the years
INDIA – Living Hope Ministry (Near Kolkata)

Provides solid education for students from poorest of the poor communities.
Teaches the Bible and Christian values to the students
Provides caring supports for the communities in needs
INDIA – Emmanuel Hostel

Serves the poor and needy families and children including orphans from 4 to 18 years of age. Provides support for 54 children currently.
Provides education through sending them to regular public schools.
Teaches the Bible to the hostel residents, and trains them to serve in worship services.
Participates in disaster relief and community activities
INDIA – The New Light Ministry (Near Kolkata)

Provides educational classes for local students from poorest of the poor families.
Cares for the poor
EGYPT – Kuku Kaka Basic & Secondary School

Provides a sound education for Sudanese refugees’ children. (They are not allowed to attend public schools in Cairo, Egypt)
Includes the Bible in its curriculum so students will learn about the true God
Follows a Sudanese curriculum and teaches in English
EGYPT – Happy Child Preschool

Provides a safe and caring environment for vulnerable refugee children to learn, create, and play, while helps improve the future of the whole family by freeing parents (including older siblings) to access employment or to attend school.
Teaches Arabic, English, Arithmetic, Art and Bible stories as part of the curriculum

Develops occupational and educational classes for Syrian refuges and Egyptians
Provides medical assistances for Syrian refuges and Egyptians
NEPAL – Hope for Himalayan People Ministries

Cares for and provides assistance to the poor
(Areas where it is sensitive to openly declare Christian ministries)

Campus Ministry
Ethnic Minority Ministries
Refugee Ministry